Hello, You! I'm Tiffany Shavon! How did you get here? It doesn't matter, I am pleased to have your affection.
So, why is my first post a picture of me walking away? It is because I'm actually walking towards something. And being followed. By the MOST AMAZOME PHOTOGRAPHER in my city (Shout out Ashanti).
You are probably saying "Amazome? What? or Hey, that's Tieko's word!!!" If you had the first thought, Amazome is a combination of amazing and awesome. If you had the second thought, you are right! But I have personally met Tieko, so it's all good my friend. (If this pic is ever removed it means Tieko said so)

What to expect when visiting our blog. Yes, ours. Written by me, for us. Isn't that EXCITING? This may be my longest post, but the great news is I've been told I'm a captivating writer so you will enjoy the read.
Because my desire to see others succeed just will not go away no matter how selfish I try to be, I assume it is associated with my calling in life. And by selfish I don't mean I don't care, just sometimes I'd rather zone out and watch Food Network...would YOU wanna miss it when someone actually Beats Bobby Flay??? Exactly.
In our blog you will be provided with diys and tutorials as understood by me.
That being said, welcome to the WONDERFUL AND GLORIOUS WORLD of Tiffany Shavon!